I am having samba version Version 3.0.10-1.4E.6 and my smbd server works fine. But if I kill the smbd from my C program (or even by console) using sig TERM still it does not clean up the smbd.pid file. It assumes that it will be alwasy stopped by service smb stop and killproc will clean its pid file. This happens even if I use smbcontrol command. Can you please tell me if there is work arround for me so that i can know that smbd server is killed gracefully or got some fault. ??
If smbd dies via abort, isgbus, or segv, you will see it recorded in smbd log files. I agree that not removing the pid file ourselves is probably a bug.
Yes PID file cleaning up is a method by which server informs users / admin that it is grace fully stopped by manual operation. It is important for my C monitoring program to know that smbd server is stopped by admin or because of some crash / another issue. This is required so that it can restart smbd if it is stopped because of some crash. Is there is any other way to find this? If yes then please let me know so that I can use that method for time being. IF no then what is the resolution? What is the time frame / patch in which this issue can be resolved?
*** Bug 4726 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nmdb and windbind don't removed their PID file, too. noel@d.o
Created attachment 4304 [details] Patch for master Attached find a patch that should solve this. Do we want it? Volker
Yes - pushed to master :-). Thanks ! Jeremy.
Should the patch go into any of the release branches?
3.4 if at all. Your call :-) Volker
Pushed to v3-4-test. Closing out bug report. Thanks!
*** Bug 5999 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***