./configure neither honors --without-sendfile-support or --with-sendfile-support=no. Instead, sendfile support is _always_ enabled. Pretty bad, if you have to compile without sendfile... Regards, Walter
just set 'use sendfile = no' in smb.conf (which is the current default anyways).
*** Bug 2433 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Then why not remove the option from configure --help altogether? Would reduce some confusion. Btw, sendfile is enabled by default (which is usually good). smbd.conf(1) of 3.0.11: use sendfile (S) If this parameter is yes, and the sendfile() system ... Default: use sendfile = yes
actually, the docs are wrong. we had to change the default to 'no' due to so many broken sendfile implementations. Probably a valid comment about the --with-sendfile-support. I'll look into that today.