I would like to be able to use sbmclient to create a tarfile of everything under a certain point in a CIFS directory tree and re-create that portion of the tree on another machine. Whether I explicitly cd to the starting point or use the -D option, the tarfile still contains the entire path. For example, consider a share that has the following directories: / /dirA /dirA/dirB /dirC /dirC/dirD /dirC/dirD/dirE I want to create a tar starting at /dirC/dirD, without the './dirC/dirD/' prepended to the filenames in the archive. dirE should be represented in the archive as './dirE', not as './dirC/dirD/dirE'.
I experience the same problem with Samba 2.2.7 on RedRat Linux 7.3.
*** Bug 1441 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The current behavrio is by design. Patches are welcome. closing until someone is willing to put in the time.