Bug 9951 - DNS MMC: Enabling DNS zone transfers in MMC fails
Summary: DNS MMC: Enabling DNS zone transfers in MMC fails
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Samba 4.0
Classification: Unclassified
Component: DNS server (show other bugs)
Version: 4.0.6
Hardware: x64 Linux
: P5 normal (vote)
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Kai Blin
QA Contact: Samba QA Contact
Depends on:
Reported: 2013-06-16 17:06 UTC by Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
Modified: 2015-09-22 15:21 UTC (History)
2 users (show)

See Also:

Screenshot DNS MMC showing the option and error (170.85 KB, image/png)
2013-06-16 17:06 UTC, Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
no flags Details
Level 10 debug logs of Samba with BIND backend (58.07 KB, application/octet-stream)
2013-06-16 17:07 UTC, Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
no flags Details
Level 10 debug logs of Samba with internal DNS backend (71.72 KB, application/octet-stream)
2013-06-16 17:08 UTC, Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account)
no flags Details

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Description Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account) 2013-06-16 17:06:48 UTC
Created attachment 8972 [details]
Screenshot DNS MMC showing the option and error

- Open DNS MMC
- Right-click to a zone
- Choose "properties"
- Go to the "zone transfers" tab
- Enable "Enable Zone Transfers" and leave the default "To any server" enabled
- Click "Apply"

produces the following error:

The zone transfer settings cannot be updated. This function is not supported on this system.

This happens with internal DNS and BIND DLZ module.
Comment 1 Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account) 2013-06-16 17:07:44 UTC
Created attachment 8973 [details]
Level 10 debug logs of Samba with BIND backend

Logs containing the steps described in the bug report.
Comment 2 Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account) 2013-06-16 17:08:47 UTC
Created attachment 8974 [details]
Level 10 debug logs of Samba with internal DNS backend

Logs containing the steps described in the bug report.
Comment 3 Marc Muehlfeld (dead/inactive account) 2013-06-16 17:09:31 UTC
One additional note:

Per default in Samba with internal DNS, zone transfers are disabled (and can't be enabled because of this bug). For the BIND DLZ module, it's always enabled (even if the default in the MMC shows, that it's disabled), because of bug #9634 (please reopen that one, because it's a Samba and not a BIND bug. I already commented that one with information from ISC, what is wrong).