When running smbd in AIX; the quotas are not correctly displayed on the client. The call to quotactl in quotas.c should be done as root. Patch: *** quotas.c.orig Fri Jan 16 14:12:39 2004 --- quotas.c Fri Jan 16 14:14:27 2004 *************** *** 958,964 **** --- 958,967 ---- #elif defined(AIX) /* AIX has both USER and GROUP quotas: Get the USER quota (ohnielse@fysik.dtu.dk) */ + save_re_uid(); + if (set_re_uid() != 0) return False; r= quotactl(path,QCMD(Q_GETQUOTA,USRQUOTA),euser_id,(char *) &D); + restore_re_uid(); #else /* !__FreeBSD__ && !AIX && !__OpenBSD__ */ r=quotactl(Q_GETQUOTA, dev_disk, euser_id, &D); #endif /* !__FreeBSD__ && !AIX && !__OpenBSD__ */
Thanks. Applying to 3.0 and HEAD.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.
database cleanup