The commit 891bff8747bc81bee6c0f7f564c79ffbe4b15e13 breaks the correct indentation after a closed itemized list. Example: smb.conf(5): "server max protocol" option The passage after the list of the protocols should be moved one tab to the right. I see the same issue after the itemized list that describes the socket options. Reverting commit 891bff8747bc81bee6c0f7f564c79ffbe4b15e13 fixes the issue for me, but I know of a possible impact on the build in special (old?) environments. is adding a fix to this problem. I'll use this bug for 4.7 backports.
Created attachment 13694 [details] propsed patch forv v4.7 Cherry-picked from git master
Karolin, please add to the next 4.7 release. Thanks!
(In reply to Andreas Schneider from comment #3) Pushed to autobuild-v4-7-test.
(In reply to Karolin Seeger from comment #4) Pushed to v4-7-test. Closing out bug report. Thanks!