I setup a single Samba4 PDC on a small network. When I add a new user to the domain I got a message that there is no global catalog availabe, because the server is not working properly. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88033600/samba4_missing_global_catalog.png Checking the NTDS-Settings the global catalog seemed to be activated. http://dl.dropbox.com/u/88033600/samba4_NTDS_Settings.png Looking at samba.log I can't see any error message. Trying samba -d5 -i -M single I can't see any error message too. Maybe I'm blindfold are something else. But what's going wrong? Regards Sebastian
Sorry I forgot -Version 4.0.0beta7-GIT-4d5471f - CentOS 6.3 x86_64 on VWware ESXi 5.0u1 - Win 7 Profesional Client on VMWare Player 4.0.4
I set up a samba4 in centos 6.3 i istallad rsat tools in windows 7. i checked ntds settings & found global catalog is checked. when i create a user account from active directory users & computers it is showing global catalog server is unavailable.still user is created. pls advice if i need to do something more.