Hi, We notified that the "nt smb support" parameter we used to set to "NO" using swat for all version prior to version 3 of samba is now unavailable. That bring back a bug for all version 3 an above of samba(like when we were using earlier version of samba with "nt smb support=yes"). The follwing problem can be reproduced with all version of samba by setting the "nt smb support=YES" when available and the following problem occur by default since version 3 of samba without any know workaround, so far... To reproduce our problem, you just need to have around 50000(50k) small files into one folder(samba server), then you just need to access (our case from a win2000 professional platform) the folder from a net share drive and try to see the list of all files(50000 files) by double clinking the folder. At each minute, an extra smbd will be added into the server for this client and you will never see all files from the folder at the client station but a windows errors messages will be displayed for each smbd created. You will then need to do an "endtask" on the folder windows that is "not responding" and go into the samba server kill -9 all smbd process. Setting "nt smb support=no" fixed that problem! Benoit
Version 3 of samba and above have a problem with openning a folder with to much files in it that earlier version of samba was having too but... Setting "nt smb support=no" fixed that problem for all version samba prior to version 3. The "nt smb support" parametre is no longer available into version 3 and above, so there is no way to fix the problem with all version 3 and above.
we've only had one report of this. Closing unless we can get someone to confirm.