If I try to modify my AD using ldif files from Windows I get errors like: 'rror: Unable to parse dn '..... Steps to reproduce: cat $ldiffromwindows.ldf | ldbmodify -H $sambaprefix/private/sam.ldb --option="dsdb:schema update allowed=yes" Workaround: Convert your ldifs with unix2dos
This isn't a blocker for 4.0. ldb* are unix utilities, LF is reasonable to expect.
http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc2849 explicitly allow CR LF as SEP (line separator). Furthermore, the standard imply that any trailing whitespaces are to be ignored when reading from file. Only leading whitespaces needs to be preserved, and only in case of line folding (see "Formal Syntax Definition of LDIF", Note 2, that indirectly imply that the part of line after folding may contain leading whitespaces, which are to be preserved, and Note 8, that explicitly states that no trailing whitespaces allowed inline, which also indirectly applies to the folded lines).