Bug 8590 - strange issue samba3.5.6 server (2-3 times a month server space start filling automatically and when we stop or restart smb service Disk space come to it's actual size)
Summary: strange issue samba3.5.6 server (2-3 times a month server space start filling...
Alias: None
Product: Samba 3.5
Classification: Unclassified
Component: Domain Control (show other bugs)
Version: 3.5.6
Hardware: x64 Linux
: P5 critical
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Guenther Deschner
QA Contact: Samba QA Contact
Depends on:
Reported: 2011-11-09 08:04 UTC by ravi_kumar2015
Modified: 2012-12-12 10:25 UTC (History)
1 user (show)

See Also:

Top command result(on that time) to show processess (123.50 KB, application/msword)
2011-11-09 08:04 UTC, ravi_kumar2015
no flags Details

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Description ravi_kumar2015 2011-11-09 08:04:18 UTC
Created attachment 7072 [details]
Top command result(on that time) to show processess

Hello Support,

We are facing strange issue samba3.5.6 server( act as Domain Controller) 2-3 times a month server space start filling automatically and when we stop or restart smb service Disk space come to it's actual size.Please help.

Please Find below smb.conf file and attached top command result(on that time).

        workgroup = FORTE.COM
        netbios name = uk-forte-fs
        server string = uk-forte-fs
        interfaces = eth0
        encrypt passwords = yes
        security = user
        os level = 33
        domain logons = yes
        prefered master = yes
        domain master = yes
        local master = yes
        username map = /etc/samba/smbusers
        logon drive = U:
        passdb backend = smbpasswd
        hosts allow = 127. 192.168.5. 192.168.3. 192.168.51.
        logon home = \\uk-forte-fs\%U
        logon path = \\uk-forte-fs\profiles\%U
        log level = 3
        add user script = /usr/sbin/useradd -m %u
        delete user script = /usr/sbin/userdel -r %u
        add group script = /usr/sbin/groupadd %g
        delete group script = /usr/sbin/groupdel %g
        add user to group script = /usr/sbin/usermod -G %g %u
        add machine script = /usr/sbin/useradd -n -c "Workstation (%u)" -M -d /nohome -s /bin/false "%u"
        admin users = administrator pankaj.kumar

        logon script = netlogon.bat
        comment = Network Logon directory
        path = /smb/samba/netlogon/netlogon.bat
        browseable = yes
        guest ok = yes
        #valid users = %u

; home configuration
       # path = /smb/home/%S
        comment = Home
        valid users = %S
       ; read only = No
        browseable = No
        writeable = yes          
 ;writeable = yes

; profile configuration
       path = /smb/samba/profiles
     #  valid users = %u
      ; create mode = 0600
      ; directory mode = 0700
       writeable = yes
     # write list = @forte
      browseable = no
Comment 1 ravi_kumar2015 2011-11-10 13:03:00 UTC
Please Reply,

Waiting for your valuable resolution.
Comment 2 SATOH Fumiyasu 2011-11-15 02:45:24 UTC
I think an smbd process has a problem and cannot close its log file(s),
and another smbd process rotates the log file and remove old one.

Run `lsof -n |grep 'smbd.*deleted'` to check if an smbd opens the removed
log file or not, run `strace -ttTfx -s 9999 -o smbd.strace -p <smbd's PID>`
to check what is the smbd doing, and run
`cat /proc/<smbd's PID>/fd/<logfile's FD> >smbd.log` to see the
contents of the removed log file.
Comment 3 ravi_kumar2015 2011-11-18 09:38:40 UTC
(In reply to comment #2)
> I think an smbd process has a problem and cannot close its log file(s),
> and another smbd process rotates the log file and remove old one.
> Run `lsof -n |grep 'smbd.*deleted'` to check if an smbd opens the removed
> log file or not, run `strace -ttTfx -s 9999 -o smbd.strace -p <smbd's PID>`
> to check what is the smbd doing, and run
> `cat /proc/<smbd's PID>/fd/<logfile's FD> >smbd.log` to see the
> contents of the removed log file.

Thanks for reply SATOH Fumiyasu

We check your steps when this issue occur agian.

Comment 4 Karolin Seeger 2012-12-12 10:25:10 UTC
Is this still an issue?