Hi! Just deployed s4 with bind DLZ plugin. When the new workstation joins the domain, only ipv6 AAAA record is created. Let me know what other information you would like me to provide
should of added that i'm using Version 4.0.0alpha18-GIT-7ebd433
Can you paste the relevant entries from BIND log when the workstation joins? Usually windows sends dynamic updates to the nameserver after it joins a domain. Looking at the logs we can find out if windows is trying to update ipv4 address or not. I would recommend using the latest Git snapshot, as there have been few fixes to DNS (dlz_bind9, DNS RPC server, TXT record handling, etc.)
Still an issue?
Hi Matthias, Amitay Been swamped and have not had a chance to look at it. Sorry
Will try it now
Hi Matthias, Amitay Just checked Version 4.0.0alpha19-GIT-95ebb11 and would like to confirm that both ipv4 (A) and ipv6 (AAAA) are created. Please close this bug