samba-tool user setexpiry user1 --days=10 sets the user1 account expiration to current day + 10 samba-tool user setexpiry user1 --noexpiry sets the user1 account expiration to never and the password also to never expire. This is incorrect. The password expiration function should be moved to the samba-tool user setpassword command.
Ekacnet, do you have an idea here?
Theresa, has this been fixed in the meantime or do we still need to keep this open?
Hello Matthias, I was just looking at this last week and it seems that the "bug" i reported is an intentional "feature". I suppose you can close it out as a user error. My initial reaction was that the command external is poor (samba-tool user setexpiry being used to set expiration of the account and the password), I believe after looking at the code, it is working as intended. Theresa
The described behaviour is the expected one as Theresa states - hence closing with "INVALID".