When using the smbclient option -m to specify a legacy dialect like "CORE", a segfault occurs. smbclient //localhost/cifstest -m CORE -Ugk ... Segmentation fault I added a debug info in: source3/libsmb/clidfs.c --> do_connect() .... if ( show_sessetup ) { DEBUG(0,("GK server_domain: 0x%p server_os: 0x%p server_type: 0x%p\n", c->server_domain,c->server_os,c->server_type)); .... which results to: GK server_domain: 0x(nil) server_os: 0x(nil) server_type: 0x(nil) So all three pointers are passed as NULL. I'm not sure whether it should be fixed here, or in other places. Cheers, Günter
I think we should stop using c->server_domain,c->server_os,c->server_type completely. Because new dialects like smb2 won't support them too.
Created attachment 6889 [details] git-am fix for 3.6.1. Kukks - can you confirm this fixes your problem please ? Thanks, Jeremy.
Hi Jeremy, It fixes the segfault - so all is fine so far. When debugging this, i found some other glitches in smbclient when forcing legacy dialects, but i need to have a closer look. I'll open a _new_ bug, when i have more info. So i think that this one can be closed. Cheers, Günter
Kukks, can you click on the "details" link on the attachment on the bug and set the review flag from '?' to '+'. That is the official way of approving a patch. Once you've done that I'll re-assign to Karolin for inclusion in 3.6.1. Thanks ! Jeremy.
I have the "details" link open, but how do i change the review flag? Probably i'm not in the list of "allowed reviewers"? Temp. screenshot (will stay for about 1 hour): http://picpaste.com/pics/Bildschirmfoto7-2epAoZDP.1316047409.png
Are you logged into bugzilla from the linux@kukkukk.com account ? I thought that should be enough. Jeremy.
Yes, i am using the account linux@kukkukk.com See http://picpaste.com/pics/Bildschirmfoto7-v91PJ0OO.1316107669.png in the upper right. (stays now 7 days)
Re-assigning to Karolin for inclusion in 3.6.1. Jeremy.
Pushed to v3-6-test. Closing out bug report. Thanks!