Let's have new Qt gui for smbtamonitor (and smbtaquery if possible!)
Looking at what smbtamonitor is actually doing, I am all for a GUI representation of it. It shouldn't be that hard as the current monitor code is relativly clean separated from calculation and output.
Not for 1.2.4, as far as I can see today, but for upcoming versions...
For smbtaquery, which doesn't provide real time data, we are already working on a web interface.
I am assigning this to Nanuk, who had shown interest in a QT port of smbtamonitor.
New SMBTA team member Nanuk Krinner has volunteered to create a QT-based instance of the smbtamonitor program. A bit more discussion, also with Stefan (aka Hettich), revealed that the best way to not let die the ncurses based monitor is to make it KISS as possible. Therefore here is the idea: create a base networking driver, which is as simple as possible. Output : number of read and written bytes on occasion (when a VFS transfer actually happens). Little thinking brought me to the idea that this is essentially already existing: rrddriver. So we created a new branch as a fork of the devel branch on github ( origin/devel-qt-smbtamonitor ) where Nanuk will develop the QT port and also the minimum driver, based on rrddriver. The minimum driver will allow us to write absolutely dumb front-ends that have nothing more to do than to display the data. The current code should already build a binary called smbtamonitor-gen. The frontends shall then be called smbtamonitor-qt or smbtamonitor-gtk or smbtamonitor-curses or what ever.
We'll make sure that the fork will get regulary merges with the devel branch.
smbtamonitor-qt is present meanwhile in 1.2.6. For 1.2.7, we'll have an enhanced version of smbtamonitor-qt ; this bug blocks the release tracker
Nanuk has worked on the graphical representation of smbtamonitor-qt and the display is much smoother now. We are using his base classes to make a port of smbta to QT. This bug can be closed.