Bug 7846 - RPC-OBJECTUUID test suite must use only named pipe transport when targeting Windows
Summary: RPC-OBJECTUUID test suite must use only named pipe transport when targeting W...
Status: NEW
Alias: None
Product: Samba 4.0
Classification: Unclassified
Component: smbtorture (show other bugs)
Version: unspecified
Hardware: All Windows 2008 R2
: P3 normal (vote)
Target Milestone: ---
Assignee: Andrew Bartlett
QA Contact: samba4-qa@samba.org
Depends on:
Reported: 2010-12-06 17:05 UTC by Matt Ficken (mail bounces back)
Modified: 2010-12-08 18:22 UTC (History)
0 users

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Description Matt Ficken (mail bounces back) 2010-12-06 17:05:56 UTC
The RPC-OBJECTUUID test suite must only use the named pipe transport when targeting Windows.

Currently it tests using both the named pipe and tcp transports.

The definition of the protocols covered by these test suites, [MS-LSAD] and [MS-LSAT], state that these protocols are to be used on a named pipe transport(specifically [\pipe\lsarpc]).

Smbtorture runs this suite twice, providing both the ncacn_ip_tcp and ncacn_np endpoints to tests both the tcp and named pipe transports. 

The test may use the protocols over the tcp transport when targeting a Samba server(or other supporting server), in which case, using the tcp transport would be a Samba extension of [MS-LSAD]/[MS-LSAT].

However it must not use the tcp transport when targeting a Windows server, as Windows does not support such an extension of [MS-LSAD]/[MS-LSAT].

When targeting Windows, this test suite must only use the named pipe transport, [\pipe\lsarpc].
Comment 1 Matt Ficken (mail bounces back) 2010-12-07 11:51:55 UTC
The test suite passes against Windows 2003r2 and 2008r2 when this bug is fixed. Otherwise it fails.

(In reply to comment #0)
> The RPC-OBJECTUUID test suite must only use the named pipe transport when
> targeting Windows.
> Currently it tests using both the named pipe and tcp transports.
> The definition of the protocols covered by these test suites, [MS-LSAD] and
> [MS-LSAT], state that these protocols are to be used on a named pipe
> transport(specifically [\pipe\lsarpc]).
> Smbtorture runs this suite twice, providing both the ncacn_ip_tcp and ncacn_np
> endpoints to tests both the tcp and named pipe transports. 
> The test may use the protocols over the tcp transport when targeting a Samba
> server(or other supporting server), in which case, using the tcp transport
> would be a Samba extension of [MS-LSAD]/[MS-LSAT].
> However it must not use the tcp transport when targeting a Windows server, as
> Windows does not support such an extension of [MS-LSAD]/[MS-LSAT].
> When targeting Windows, this test suite must only use the named pipe transport,
> [\pipe\lsarpc].

Comment 2 Matt Ficken (mail bounces back) 2010-12-08 17:54:37 UTC
Sorry, I forgot a detail behind the transport requirement for [MS-LSAD]/[MS-LSAT] (see [MS-LSAT] 2.1):

Certain functions may only be used over a named pipe, and certain functions may only be used over tcp (other functions may be used over either).

Functions Requiring Named Pipe:
LsarOpenPolicy2, LsarOpenPolicy, LsarClose, LsarGetUsername, LsarLookupNames, LsarLookupNames2, LsarLookupNames3, LsarLookupSids and LsarLookupSids2

Functions Requiring TCP:
LsarLookupNames4 and LsarLookupSids3

Other functions may be used on either transport.

RPC-OBJECTUUID calls LsarClose, therefore must use the named pipe transport.
Comment 3 Andrew Bartlett 2010-12-08 18:22:54 UTC
I think you may be misunderstanding our testing process and methodology. 

I'm still unsure what you are running to come to these conclusions, as all the smbtorture commands take a user-specified binding string.  Perhaps you are running it as part of some modified test script?

Furthermore, the tests represent the operations that passed against Windows at the time they were written.  They provide us with some assurance of conformance to that version of Windows.  They are not a test of the WSPP documentation.

Can you at the very least include the full command line you are running in future reports, so we can be clear about what you are doing.

But what I would really like is for you to join #samba-technical in irc.freenode.net or the samba-technical@samba.org mailing list, and work with us there to understand what you hope to achieve, so we can help you with that. 
