HFS+ uses the creation date of the root folder as one reference for identifying hard link references. See http://developer.apple.com/library/mac/technotes/tn/tn1150.html#HardLinks for the reference (albeit only two lines and not particularly explicit). I have reproduced undesirable hard link behavior on Tiger, Leopard, and Snow Leopard using the following script (as you can see, this is certainly an edge case, but I have run into it several times): ############## #!/bin/sh source=/Volumes/HLSource target=/Volumes/HLTarget rsync="/usr/local/bin/rsync" cd /tmp echo "Creating temporary source disk image" hdiutil create -size 1m -volname HLSource -fs HFS+ -layout NONE -attach HLSource.dmg 1> /dev/null echo "Creating temporary target disk image (after a delay to guarantee different creation date)" sleep 2 hdiutil create -size 1m -volname HLTarget -fs HFS+ -layout NONE -attach HLTarget.dmg 1> /dev/null tgt_dev=`df | awk '/HLTarget/ {print $1}'` stat -f " %N: Creation date: %B" $target echo "" echo "rsyncing /Volumes/HLSource to target." $rsync -aHNx --include="/" --exclude=".*" --exclude="*" $source/ $target 1> /dev/null stat -f " %N: Creation date: %B" $target echo "" echo "Unmounting and remounting the target" diskutil unmount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null diskutil mount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null echo "Creating a hard link on the target" touch $target/one ln $target/one $target/one_link stat -f " %N: inode: %i, Link count: %l" $target/one echo "" echo "rsyncing / to target" $rsync -aHNx --include="/" --exclude=".*" --exclude="*" / $target 1> /dev/null stat -f " %N: Creation date: %B" $target echo "" echo "Unmounting and remounting the target" diskutil unmount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null diskutil mount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null echo "Creating another hard link on the target" touch $target/two ln $target/two $target/two_link stat -f " %N: inode: %i, Link count: %l" $target/one stat -f " %N: inode: %i, Link count: %l" $target/two #echo "Unmounting and remounting the target" #diskutil unmount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null #diskutil mount $tgt_dev 1> /dev/null #echo "File list of target root dir" #stat -f "%N: inode: %i, Link count: %l" $target/one #stat -f "%N: inode: %i, Link count: %l" $target/two echo "Cleaning up" hdiutil eject $source 1> /dev/null hdiutil eject $target 1> /dev/null rm /tmp/HLSource.dmg rm /tmp/HLTarget.dmg ############## This is yet another filesystem-specific patch, I doubt you would want to commit this in its current form. Ultimately I think we need a separate object within rsync that we can query for filesystem-specific behavior like this. This patch (from rsync 3.0.7+fileflags+crtimes) resolves the matter: ############## crtimes-hfs+.patch This patch prevents rsync from changing the creation date on the root of a volume. On HFS+, the root inode is always 2, as defined in hfs/hfs_format.h: kHFSRootFolderID = 2, /* Folder ID of the root folder */ So before calling set_create_time(), we verify from the existing stat struct that the inode of the current file is not 2. diff -Naur rsync-3.0.7_orig/rsync.c rsync-3.0.7/rsync.c --- rsync-3.0.7_orig/rsync.c 2010-09-16 10:49:54.000000000 -0500 +++ rsync-3.0.7/rsync.c 2010-09-16 10:50:43.000000000 -0500 @@ -480,6 +480,7 @@ if (sxp->crtime == 0) sxp->crtime = get_create_time(fname); if (cmp_time(sxp->crtime, file_crtime) != 0 + && sxp->st.st_ino != 2 // Don't set the creation date on the root folder of an HFS+ volume && set_create_time(fname, file_crtime) == 0) updated = 1; } ##############
Created attachment 5966 [details] patch to the crtimes patch
Created attachment 5969 [details] Avoid setting inode 2 if it is a directory. Here is my version of the fix.
Ah yes, avoid another getattrlist, good idea. Looks great, thanks!
Will be released in 3.0.8.