Everything was working as expected with 2.5.58 and upon upgrading to 2.5.69, windows 98 clients cannot see file properties of the files it can read (only those in the top level dir supplied by path=) and it cannot traverse subdirectories of the path supplied for the given share, displaying an error "folder <blah> does not exist." I'm using a guest configuration so authentication methods are not to blame and the permissions are all correct. I can mount the share on linux machines and everything is perfectly fine. I couldn't see any errors given by running smbd with debug level 5 and i've tried setting up my config to not allow kernel oplocks to try and remove kernel dependency but still nothing. I also tryied setting Max protocol to core plus but no luck. My kernel config did not change in between versions and the underlying fs for all my samba shares is ext3 with posix acl's. No default nls was set for smbfs.
Some other things about my configuration is that sendfile causes no files to be readable on top of previous problem described so it's disabled in my config. kernel oplocks dont seem to hurt and i have share level access enabled. The directories are all being reported as "file" on the windows 98 machines when i right click and hit properties. Even when max protocol is set to NT1 from my conservative setup of coreplus.
Lowering priority since this is an unstable kernel. Probably won't look at this until bug can be reproduced on a stable kernel. Might want to refile bug on lkml.
does this still exist in 2.6 and Samba 3.0.2rc1
no more feedback. closing out.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.
database cleanup