On RHEL 5.4 (with RH packaged CTDB 1.0.82), /etc/init.d/ctdb is checking for corrupt tables with tdbdump. However, if it's missing, no warning is given and it's stated that the table is corrupt (which it isn't). Environment: clean RHEL 5.4 install with CTDB. CTDB was used once, so tables exist. Stop ctdb, try to restart; fail, with message: Starting ctdbd service: Persistent database /var/ctdb/persistent/account_policy.tdb.1 is corrupted! CTDB will not start. Install /usr/bin/tdbdump and it works. Trivial to prevent, warn, or add dependency.
Ronnie, I guess we need a RPM dependency to the tdb tools package? Or to the tdbdump binary?
I have forwarded a patch to Ronnie that adds dependency for /usr/bin/tdbdump and /usr/bin/tdbtool to the spec file. (never versions also require tdbtool.)
I fixed this back in 2012 in CTDB commit 00cd75595685dae829758abf1a4cb644af7ed50e. If a TDB checker can't be found then a warning is logged but startup succeeds. Since CTDB 2.3, TDB hecking is now done in 00.ctdb event script.