Cf. Debian bug Package: rsync Version: 3.0.6-1 Severity: wishlist Manual page reads: --skip-compress=LIST ... The default list of suffixes that will not be compressed is this (several of these are newly added for 3.0.0): gz/zip/z/rpm/deb/iso/bz2/t[gb]z/7z/mp[34]/mov/avi/ogg/jpg/jpeg SUGGESTION Please also add these compresser program extensions to the default list: *.lzo lzop(1) *.rzip rzip(1) *.lzma lzma(1) *.rar rar comressed *.ace ace compressed Archive can also be encrypted for backup purposes, so if possible exclude also these extensions by default: *.tar.gz.gpg *.tar.bz2.gpg *.tar.lzma.gpg *.tar.lzop.gpg
I have added the suffixes you suggested to the git repo for the upcoming 3.1.0 release.