Last month, I updated to Fedora 10 with samba 3.2.11-0.30.fc10 via a complete reinstall. Using x86-64. We are now experiencing a problem on a share with the force user parameter. Samba is a domain controller. Still using smbuser file [zz] comment = Test Share path = /home/zz force user = zzadminp create mask = 0770 directory mask = 0770 The primary group of zzadminp above is admplus. If user markoren with primary group ntadmin writes a file to the above share, the file owner is markoren and the file group is admplus. -rwxrw---- 1 markoren admplus 94 2009-05-12 19:51 MAOtestfilezz8.txt Samba is setting the primary group of the forced user properly, but is not setting the forced user as the owner. Mark Orenstein East Granby School System (USA)
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of bug 6291 ***