+++ This bug was initially created as a clone of Bug #6313 +++ Config: http://dmarkey.com/~dmarkey/samba3.4pre1/smbpasswd/smb.conf /opt/samba/samba-3.4.0pre1/bin/smbpasswd -a david Cannot locate Unix account for 'david'! Of course this makes sense because samba has to create the posix entry in LDAP, smbpasswd should see that editposix=yes and go ahead and create the user and assume the unix user should exist afterwards.
Ok, this would really be usefull if smbpasswd and pdbedit could create users in such scenario.
Created attachment 4167 [details] simo's patch #1
Created attachment 4168 [details] simo's patch #2
I tested the patches and I could nicely create posix/samba users on the fly using smbpasswd -a but not with pdbedit -a. Simo, shouldn't we have it for pdbedit as well ?
(In reply to comment #4) > I tested the patches and I could nicely create posix/samba users on the fly > using smbpasswd -a but not with pdbedit -a. > > Simo, shouldn't we have it for pdbedit as well ? Yes, should work with pdbedit as well ... Do you get an error ? Can you run it with -d 10 and see if any insightful error message is spit ?
doh! stupid me, scratch that, of course it works as described (as a "local" problem)
Patches committed to master.
Pushed patches to patches to v3-4-test.