Building 64bit binaries with Sun Studio 12 on Solaris 10 SPARC, I'm getting the following warnings: "libsmb/async_smb.c", line 40: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<" "libsmb/async_smb.c", line 51: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<" "libads/ads_status.c", line 81: warning: integer overflow detected: op "<<" It appears that the following #defines in nt_status.h need to to be casted to the right type: from #define NT_STATUS_DOS_MASK (NT_STATUS_TYPE_DOS << 24) #define NT_STATUS_LDAP_MASK (NT_STATUS_TYPE_LDAP << 24) to #define NT_STATUS_DOS_MASK ((uint32_t) NT_STATUS_TYPE_DOS << 24) #define NT_STATUS_LDAP_MASK ((uint32_t) NT_STATUS_TYPE_LDAP << 24)
please retest with a recent samba release and eventually, reopen this issue and ideally provide a patch :-)