Running Samba 3.3.1 on a Solaris 8 system, if I mount a writable share from a Windows XP system and get a DOS prompt, I can run the commands... echo hi > hi.txt attrib +r hi.txt ...without error, producing a read-only file. However, then running... attrib -r hi.txt ...(that is, trying to make the file read-write), I see... Access denied - R:\ado\tmp\hi.txt If I revert the Solaris server to Samba 3.2.8, the "attrib -r" command works. I see similar results when I do the moral equivalent of "attrib -r" and "attrib +r" using the Windows Explorer GUI (browse to directory, highlight file, right-click on it, click on "Properties", check (or uncheck) the "Read-only" attributes check-box, click "OK"). I CAN restore the file to read-write status by a longer-winded GUI path (browse to directory, highlight file, right-click on it, click on "Properties", click on the "Security" tab, click on my user entry in the upper panel, click on "Full Control" in the lower panel, and click on "OK"). --ado
Can you get me a debug level 10 log of this please ? Are you using a ZFS filesystem ? I'm not sure where on Solaris the attribute bits are being mapped to (they go into extended attributes on Linux) and this should help me track it down. Thanks. Jeremy.
no feedback, I think this is working with more modern solaris and modern samba