Hi there In samba (as well as in many other software) it is always assumed that the super user's UID is 0 (and that his GID is 0 too). While this might be true for almost any platform on the entire planet, it is unfortunatly not true for the platform that I'm trying to samba too, nsr-tandem-nsk, HP NonStop Server. Here the super user is 65535 and the super group is 255. Would you consider it worthwhile to make this configurable (of course with the default being 0)? I'd volunteer to create the patch, but would a) need some guidelines on how you folks would like it implemented and b) would like some degree of security that you'd accept such a patch. Bye, Jojo
The only problem I can see with such a patch is that it would be virtually impossible to stop people putting new code in which checks for uid == 0. It's kind of hardcoded into UNIX programmer's DNA I think. (-:
That should be programmers' not programmer's. Bonus marks if you spotted the mistake.
I agree with TIm. We're not going to do anything on this one unbless there is more pressure from the community. Sorry.