Multiple times I've run rsync -n (aka --dry-run) to check if the files I'm transferring are gonna go where I want them to, to make sure I've got trailing slashes in the right spots and such. But it does not tell me, which is very frustrating.
I'd suggest using -i (--itemize-changes) with -n.
I hope reopening the bug doesn't violate etiquette. But -i gives me little satisfaction. As the man page says, the output is utterly cryptic, and amongst the zillions of options, -i is very obscure. Why not have -n print something like this, kind of like "/bin/cp -v", for each file: /source/path/file -> dest-host:/dest/path/file
Sorry, I wouldn't like such an output. --dry-run tells rsync to just not do the copy, not become overly repetitive in its output strings.