the long version: after spending a good couple of hours of setting up samba with a fedora ds ldap backend, shares seemed to behave strangely. I could only add directories but not files.... checked rights on shares, double checked em and they seemed fine. All users resolved ok in the LDAP directory (and authenticated ok). Since I based my smb.conf on my old one i was sure that share definitions were allright. I decided to browse my server from a Windows PC and all it showed me were shared printers..... short version: the 'error' was a global definition of: printable = yes in my 'old' smb.conf this didn't affect my shares (the only difference seems to be that i now connect to an LDAP backend). solution: print something when testparm is run (when a global 'printable = yes' has been found): > You have defined 'printable = yes' on a global level (all your shares will be seen as printers). Are you sure this is what you want?
That is a valid configuration for some servers.