Hi, I get the following error with samba 3.0.23c and 3.0.27a on an embedded linux system. It started to happed after I edited the file defining shares and privileges for each user. This I see in the log: [2007/12/04 16:44:54, 0, pid=14439] lib/util.c:smb_panic(1592) PANIC (pid 14439): substitutions failed [2007/12/04 16:44:54, 0, pid=14439] lib/util.c:log_stack_trace(1749) unable to produce a stack trace on this platform [2007/12/04 16:44:54, 0, pid=14439] lib/fault.c:dump_core(173) dumping core in /var/log/cores/smbd # mount -t smbfs -o codepage=cp1250,iocharset=utf8,lfs,rw,workgroup=RNAlab,ip=,username=mmokrejs,password=blah,uid=mmokrejs,gid=users // /mnt/smb/rnalabdsk/mmokrejs Receiving SMB: Server stopped responding 25282: tree connect failed: Call returned zero bytes (EOF) SMB connection failed # It turns out the 'only user=Yes' line causes the crash, I have to remove the line to be able to mount the share. [MMOKREJS] path=/shares/internal/MMOKREJS force user=mmokrejs force group=mmokrejs valid users=mmokrejs write list=mmokrejs only user=Yes #security mask=0777 #force security mode=0 #directory security mask=0777 #force directory security mode=0 On the server there is: # ls -la /shares/internal/MMOKREJS/ total 252 drwx------ 2 mmokrejs rnalab 4096 Dec 4 17:04 . drwxr-xr-x 16 root root 4096 Dec 7 2006 .. ...
Can you please upload your full smb.conf and a full debug level 10 log of smbd leading to that failure? Thanks, Volker
Created attachment 3025 [details] smb.conf
Created attachment 3026 [details] samba-crash.txt
OK, so a user www-data in smbpasswd had UID 0, while in /etc/passwd had UID=33 and GIG=33. In /etc/group it had a line with GID 33. It seems it is related to this and the debug output should be improved. I have corrected the wrong GID in smbpasswd file but still smbd crashes. I don't see any problem with other users so I need better debug. ;-)
And, if the probloematic option in the shares definitions is removed and user is connected to the share, I get around the crashing code: pdb_set_profile_path: setting profile path \\rnalabdsk\mmokrejs\profile, was pdb_set_workstations: setting workstations , was account_policy_get: name: password history, val: 0 pdb_set_user_sid: setting user sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004 pdb_set_user_sid_from_rid: setting user sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004 from rid 3004 lookup_global_sam_rid: looking up RID 513. push_sec_ctx(0, 0) : sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 2 push_conn_ctx(0) : conn_ctx_stack_ndx = 1 setting sec ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 2 NT user token: (NULL) UNIX token of user 0 Primary group is 0 and contains 0 supplementary groups smbpasswd_getsampwrid: search by sid: S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-513 startsmbfilepwent_internal: opening file /var/private/smbpasswd getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user www-data, uid 33 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user mmokrejs, uid 1002 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user martin, uid 1003 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user tom, uid 1004 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user vasek, uid 1005 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user gavunek, uid 1006 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user mrouta, uid 1007 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user zuzana, uid 1008 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user cerny, uid 1009 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user hruska, uid 1010 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user katka, uid 1011 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user hlubucek, uid 1012 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user peesk, uid 1013 getsmbfilepwent: returning passwd entry for user ahmad, uid 1014 getsmbfilepwent: end of file reached. endsmbfilepwent_internal: closed password file. pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 1 Can't find a unix id for an unmapped group pdb_set_group_sid: setting group sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-513 pdb_set_group_sid_from_rid: setting group sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-513 from rid 513 pop_sec_ctx (0, 0) - sec_ctx_stack_ndx = 0 is_share_read_only_for_user: share MMOKREJS is read-write for unix user mmokrejs get_share_security: using default secdesc for MMOKREJS se_map_generic(): mapped mask 0x10000000 to 0x001f01ff se_access_check: requested access 0x00000002, for NT token with 6 entries and first sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004. se_access_check: user sid is S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004 se_access_check: also S-1-22-2-1002 se_access_check: also S-1-1-0 se_access_check: also S-1-5-2 se_access_check: also S-1-5-11 se_access_check: also S-1-22-2-15 se_access_check: ACE 0: type 0, flags = 0x00, SID = S-1-1-0 mask = 101f01ff, current desired = 2 se_access_check: access (2) granted. get_share_security: using default secdesc for MMOKREJS se_map_generic(): mapped mask 0x10000000 to 0x001f01ff se_access_check: requested access 0x00000002, for NT token with 6 entries and first sid S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004. se_access_check: user sid is S-1-5-21-1714360636-294838229-2465520557-3004 se_access_check: also S-1-22-2-1002 se_access_check: also S-1-1-0 se_access_check: also S-1-5-2 se_access_check: also S-1-5-11 se_access_check: also S-1-22-2-15 se_access_check: ACE 0: type 0, flags = 0x00, SID = S-1-1-0 mask = 101f01ff, current desired = 2 se_access_check: access (2) granted. gid_to_sid: local 1002 -> S-1-22-2-1002
Ok, the behaviour could be improved, but "only user" according to the docs only makes sense with "security = share" and looking at the source you also need "username =" in the share definition. So I'm closing this as invalid, you should be fine with "valid users = username". Volker
Hi Volker, thanks for the explanation. But, I disagree. First of all, teh daemon should not crash, regardless the config file settings. Second, the docs are so vast that it is not possible for a user to figure out that some options are incompatible with each other, and also that is a job for the software to figure iout their precedence. So, please improve the error message and make sure the daemon does not crash when this setup happens again.
First, it is not a crash but a panic on an invalid configuration. Second, there are millions of ways that you can misconfigure Samba, some of them lead to a panic, some of them lead to an insecure system and more of them lead to malfunctioning servers. There is no way that we can catch all misconfigurations. If you are particularly concerned about this one, please submit a patch to smbd and at your option to the documentation. Thanks, Volker