I noticed that the current CVS rsync lists implied dirs in --list-only mode, even if given --no-implied-dirs. Is this behavior intended? IMHO, it would be better to omit entries for implied dirs from the list like rsync 2.6.9 did because they are an implementation detail and do not carry any information of significance to the user. At the very least, showing their source attributes is misleading because (as the man page description of --no-implied-dirs states) the attributes are never applied to the destination. To see the current behavior, run: mkdir -p a/b chmod 3756 a # Notice that this wacky mode appears in the listing # even though the receiver doesn't apply it. rsync -a -R --no-implied-dirs --list-only a/b The result: drwxr-srwT 72 2007/09/22 20:24:55 a drwx------ 48 2007/09/22 20:24:55 a/b
That was just an oversight. There were some other list-only problems with inc_recurse mode that I also fixed.