I have noticed for a while that an instance of samba with a non-standard config file name does not close down cleanly as the PID file cannot be found. I initially thought this was my own start stop script but on careful checking it looks to be in lib/pidfile.c [sn]mbd are started with arguments: -s /addon/local/samba/conf/smb.conf.vs-web-cs3 The Pid file directory is set in this config file with:- pid directory = /addon/local/var/samba/locks The Pid files I saw created were:- /addon/local/var/samba/locks/[sn]mbd-mb.conf.vs-web-cs3.pid (note no s in the smb that is supposed to come from the config file name. Suggested patch:- *** lib/pidfile.c- 2007-04-09 18:30:57.000000000 +0100 --- lib/pidfile.c 2007-08-07 10:05:19.000000000 +0100 *************** *** 100,106 **** /* full/relative path provided */ short_configfile++; } ! slprintf( name, sizeof( name)-1, "%s-%s", program_name, short_configfile+1); } slprintf(pidFile, sizeof(pidFile)-1, "%s/%s.pid", lp_piddir(), name); --- 100,106 ---- /* full/relative path provided */ short_configfile++; } ! slprintf( name, sizeof( name)-1, "%s-%s", program_name, short_configfile); } slprintf(pidFile, sizeof(pidFile)-1, "%s/%s.pid", lp_piddir(), name); I have also seen bug 4770 which is more of an enhancement than a bug fix but could well be folded in here (it might also fix this minor fault, I haven't checked). Chris Ritson.
Already fixed with r24008. Will be in 3.0.25c. Thanks, Volker