When I used smbclient to connect to a samba server that supports dfs, some strange behaviours happened. Steps to reproduce: 1. mkdir <server ip address>, for example "" 2. mkdir <share name>, for example "myshare" 3. put a file, for example "myfile" However, the file does not exist in the directory, but exits in the top level instead. Then I wanted to figure out what happened by capturing packets. It was found that the dfs flag in the smb header of openX command was always set to 1, so the directory was wrong recognized as the ip address and the share name. As a result, the file was created in a wrong location. Please investigate this problem. Thank you. OS of client and server : Ubuntu 7.04 feisty samba version : 3.0.24-2ubuntu1.2
Can you try this with 3.0.25b please - I did a lot of work inproving the client DFS support for that release. Jeremy.
It works in 3.0.25b Thank you very much.