The 3.0.24 binary distribution from for AIX installed only base support files and not samba (e.g. smbd/nmbd). A build/packaging issue?
Reassigning to Bill as the AIX package dude.
Bob, Can you tell me more about the install? did you extract both the base and samba to the same dir and then follow the install instructions in the README and: lslpp -l pware.samba* doesn't show the samba package as installed? Cheers, Bill
Bill When I placed the untar'd contents from both archives in the same directory, it installed correctly (below - thanks for the hint), but now neither daemon starts. I created an smb.conf file but it's not clear in which directory it should lie. I've tried a couple of different directories but no luck yet. BTW, the readme in the binary dist does not explicitly state that both archives need to be untar'd in the same place. root@bos-devaix1:lslpp -l pware.samba* Fileset Level State Description ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Path: /usr/lib/objrepos pware.samba-3.0.24.rte COMMITTED Samba 3.0.24 root@bos-devaix1:
Bill Everything is up and running. Thanks for your help! Best Regards, Bob Zwolinski