Hello, Using kernel 2.6.18 with samba 3.0.25a. I'm mounting a cifs: ibook:~# mount -t cifs -o username=noel //localhost/test /mnt/samba/ Password: ibook:~# df ... //localhost/test 5382836 5241872 140964 98% /mnt/samba everthing fine. Then I want to unmount it again: ibook:~# umount.cifs /mnt/samba/ ibook:~# df //localhost/test 5382836 5132516 140948 98% /mnt/samba Hmm, its still there. ibook:~# umount /mnt/samba/ This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems. This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems. ibook:~# umount.cifs /mnt/samba This utility only unmounts cifs filesystems. $ cat /etc/mtab ... //localhost/test /mnt/samba cifs rw,mand 0 0 But the directoy is empty and the samba server doesn't have a smb connection anymore. thx. noel@d.o
this is a duplicate of bug #4784, which has been fixed in 3.0.27a.
Can you check whether the unmount actually worked but did not properly update mtab (the real list of what is mounted can be seen by "cat /proc/mounts")? We made a fix to mtab handling in mount.cifs recently which would probably resolve this in any case.
The Debian bug, which this bug is linked to was marked a fixed, so we can just close that one as well