Minor, but it caught me out, so it seems worth fixing before release if possible: Summary: (a) need to remove -P parameter from existing smb printing scripts (including the examples distributed with Samba 3) (b) add description of new -P smbclient parameter to man page? Description: The smbprint example scripts in 'samba-3.0.0rc4/examples/printing' all use the -P parameter with smbclient. In previous versions of Samba, the meaning of this parameter was 'connect to service as a printer'. However, in version 3, a non-backwards-compatible change reassigns the meaning of this parameter to 'machine password' (seems to be undocumented in the man page?). When upgrading from 2.2.8a, I found my own existing printing scripts no longer worked, issuing the mysterious message 'ERROR: Unable to fetch machine password'. I was printing to a Win9X print server which has no machine password! However, smbclient -h documents the new description of the parameter, and I was able to find an old version of Samba from which I could query the previous meaning. Solution: Removing -P parameter corrects the problem and allows the printing scripts to work again
Thanks for catching this. The -P parameter hasn't actually done anything different to the connection process for years! It's a bit of an historical oddity. I will update the examples though.
Fixed in CVS. Let's hope all the various packagers pick it up.
*** Bug 937 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
originally reported against one of the 3.0.0rc[1-4] releases. Cleaning up non-production versions.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.