In Samba 3.0, the setting 'domain master = yes' is ignored unless accompanied by 'domain logon = yes'. The justification for this change is that a machine which registers #1b but does not register #1c will be confusing to Windows clients that are looking for a PDC. However, on a network that already has a PDC, a Samba server can still cause trouble if 'domain logons' is set; and on a network where Samba is only needed for DMB functionality (not logon functionality), it does no harm to have 'domain master' turned on without 'domain logons'. Now, it also does no harm to turn 'domain logons' on whenever 'domain master' is set, but this isn't what 3.0 is currently giving users. Possible resolutions: * change config handling so that either of 'domain master = yes' or 'domain logons = yes' will promote the other to 'yes' by default. * update the documentation so that 'domain master = yes' is deprecated, presenting it only in the 'no' form for creating a BDC; restore 2.2-compatible handling for legacy installs. * update the documentation as above, and attempt to handle upgrading existing config files at install time (ok, maybe this only works for Debian :). * update the documentation, and have testparm throw an error when 'domain master = yes' is set. I'm happy to work up a patch for any of these, it's just a question of knowing which way the Samba Team wants to go with it.
i think I would classify this as an nmbd bug
revert to 2.2 behavior. register WORKGROUP<1B> name if domain master = yes
Sorry, I just reviewed the patch in response to a user inquiry on irc -- the patch that was committed does not fix the problem in question, as it's the 1c name rather than the 1b name that's missing. Actually, the patch looks like it might be a no-op...
No, sorry again, I seem to be on drugs -- the fix here is the correct one, and I'm getting confused. Ignore me...
marked it fixed again
originally reported against 3.0alpha23. Bugzilla spring cleaning.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.