After building the configurationfile with ./configure the make-command dies with the message: Using FLAGS = -g -I./popt -Iinclude -I/samba-3.0.0rc4/source/include -I/samba-3 .0.0rc4/source/ubiqx -I/samba-3.0.0rc4/source/smbwrapper -I. -I/samba-3.0.0rc4 /source LIBS = -lsec -lgen -lsocket -lnsl_s LDSHFLAGS = -shared LDFLAGS = Generating smbd/build_options.c nawk: Fehler beim Kompilieren eines regulären Ausdrucks /^/\* (.*?)\*//: vor *?+ steht kein gültiger Ausdruck Quelle Zeile 116 von Datei /samba-3.0.0rc4/source/script/mkbuildoptions.awk Kontext ist /^\/\* (.*?)\*\// >>> { <<< *** Error code 2 (bu21) The used Operating System is SCO Open Server 5.0.6 with SCO Development System
Created attachment 146 [details] Log-File of ./configure and Make
SCO related bug
originally reported against one of the 3.0.0rc[1-4] releases. Cleaning up non-production versions.
database cleanup