I compile samba on tru64 Unix v5.1b. All seems work fine, but swat does not authenticate. This in log.swat: [2007/04/24 13:50:26, 4] auth/pass_check.c:(631) pass_check: Checking password for user root (l=9) [2007/04/24 13:50:26, 5] auth/pass_check.c:(692) Checking password for user root in OSF1_ENH_SEC [2007/04/24 13:50:26, 2] auth/pass_check.c:(724) Disallowing root with null password In seems that tru64 with basic security (password in /etc/passwd) does not work.
I find a workaround: I converted the OS security from BASE to ENHANCED with the command: /usr/sbin/convuser -a and swat will work fine. But if i return to BASE security model swat still don't work.
Also, if i change the root password from shell with passwd, then swat does not authenticate too, even if i stay in ENHANCED mode. So the workaround is not so good.
swat is removed with 4.1