Having an unreadable (unix permissions set to no read access) directory within the source directory causes a complaint that is apparently considered an I/O error and therefore prevents --delete and --delete-excluded from acting without any sort of explanation. Such an explanation should be included in -vv output. Alternatively, or in addition, a single file without read access should possibly not prevent other files in independent paths from being deleted. Output for Reference: building file list ... rsync: opendir "~/.PfaEdit" failed: Permission denied (13) [Lots of transferred files, etc.] rsync error: some files could not be transferred (code 23) at /SourceCache/rsync/rsync-24/rsync/main.c(717)
(In reply to comment #0) > Having an unreadable (unix permissions set to no read access) directory within > the source directory causes a complaint that is apparently considered an I/O > error and therefore prevents --delete and --delete-excluded from acting without > any sort of explanation. Such an explanation should be included in -vv output. When I try this, I see the following message regardless of verbosity: IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion > Alternatively, or in addition, a single file without read access should > possibly not prevent other files in independent paths from being deleted. That would be a good enhancement request. Each directory in the file list could have a flag indicating whether files might be missing from it; for even finer granularity, individual inaccessible files could be represented by specially marked file-list entries.