I have samba (2.2.7a-8.9.0) on a RH9 system (2.4.20-20.9smp) on a hyper-threading P4 trying to mount a drive on a Windoes 2000 server. smbmount //w2k/share ./w2k.share -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root This command works, though sometimes it hangs (i.e. does not return). The sharepoint is mounted, and I can "kill -9" the smbmount and it stays mounted. Usually the first mount works but trying to mount more than one sharepoint at the same time causes problems. once one of them hangs I can mount as many additional sharepoints as I want, e.g. smbmount //w2k/share1 ./w2k.share1 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root smbmount //w2k/share2 ./w2k.share2 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root (this one hangs, go to another window and) smbmount //w2k/share3 ./w2k.share3 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root smbmount //w2k/share4 ./w2k.share4 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root smbmount //w2k/share5 ./w2k.share5 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root I can even mount the same sharepoint if I ue a different windows account: smbmount //w2k/share2 ./w2k.share2 -o username=someone/domain,password=snafu,uid=root Same thing happens when I boot the non-smp kernel, tried another networking card, a different PC, different servers (W2K-prof and SAMBA) and 2.2.8a. 2.2.5-10 (default w/ RH8) seems to work OK.
I can reliably force the hang by scecifying mixed-case sharepoints, e.g.: smbmount //w2k/Share1 ./w2k.share1 -o username=me/domain,password=foobar,uid=root (note capital S on //w2k/Share1) will always hang. 2.2.7-3.7.3 does not seem to mind how I capitalize the sharepoint name.
Apparnetly this is a bug in fork() https://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=90036 suggested 'fix' is to use kernel 2.4.18 or to use a script to replace smbmount: ------- Additional Comment #15 From Ivan Wilks on 2003-06-14 09:26 ------- I've used the following on my rh9 :- mv /usr/bin/smbmount /usr/bin/_smbmount more <<EOT > /usr/bin/smbmount #!/bin/sh /usr/bin/_smbmount \$1 \$2 \$3 \$4 \$5 \$6 \$7 \$8 \$9 & sleep 1 kill -QUIT \$! > /dev/null EOT chmod 0755 /usr/bin/smbmount ------- Additional Comment #16 From kas@informatics.muni.cz on 2003-06-16 15:56 ------- The following commands apparently fixes the problem for me: mv /usr/bin/smbmount /usr/bin/smbmount.orig cat <<EOF >/usr/bin/smbmount #!/bin/bash export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.2.5 exec /usr/bin/smbmount.orig "$@" EOF chmod 755 /usr/bin/smbmount -Yenya
Sorry, but the 2.2 is not under development any longer. If you can reproduce this bug against the latest 3.0 release, please reopen this bug and change the version in the report. Thanks.
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