Hi, I have cups configured with: printing=cups and printcap=cups In CUPS, I have set the "Location" field in the cups printer configuration. It is very useful to set the printer location as per http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/windowsserver2003/technologies/directory/activedirectory/bpadprn.mspx Unfortunately, Samba does not appear to be copying the cups printer location into AD when "net ads printer publish myprinter" is issued. The location field is not shown. "net ads printer search" does show the printer location field for Windows printers which have it set. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- We need this function to search printer in the active directory! It would be nice if you can give me a short statement? This bug is based on bugzilla bug 2277!!! Thanks in advanced
Fixed for Samba 3.0.25pre2