When I execute this command : ./net groupmap add sid="S-1-5-21-2824906792-3480216954-4110921517-512" unixgroup=administrateurs ntgroup="Domains Admins" I have this erreor message : Can't lookup UNIX group Domains Admins But the unix group in my LDAP is not named Domain Admins, the name is administrateurs.
I've fixed the error message in CVS. However the test for the condition that is failing was correct. Samba is trying to find a gid value for the unix group administrateurs and failing. If you're running glibc, you can try doing 'getent group' and seeing if your administrateurs group appears in the list, otherwise check your NSS configuration (are you using nss_ldap?).
The nss_ldap and pam_ldap are correct, but nom I have this error message ! maybe I have on this machine samba 2.2.7a and 3.0.0 the smb 2.2.x is stopped, but ... ./net groupmap add sid="S-1-5-21-2824906792-3480216954-4110921517-512" unixgroup=administrateurs ntgroup="Domain Admins" [2003/09/11 10:22:43, 0] passdb/pdb_ldap.c:ldapsam_search_one_group(1651) ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: invalid... LDAP error: invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: invalid DN (Invalid DN syntax)ldapsam_search_one_group: Problem during the LDAP search: LDAP error: adding entry for group Domain Admins failed!
OK. I've opened a new bug for this new problem - bug 439.
originally reported against one of the 3.0.0rc[1-4] releases. Cleaning up non-production versions.
sorry for the same, cleaning up the database to prevent unecessary reopens of bugs.