root# find /usr/data/finance -type d -exec chmod ug+s {}\; generates the error find: missing argument to '-exec'
The command that you should be run is: find /usr/data/finance -type d -exec chmod ug+s {} \; note the space between the {} and \
Okay, this doesn't seem to be a bug.
It's not invalid. It's not a software bug, but a bug in the documentation, in this case the docs served up by SWAT. The incorrect documentation causes users to get an unexpected error. The problem is still visible on these pages...
Seems to be fixed meanwhile: user@host~: Samba3-HOWTO> grep "{}" * TOSHARG-AccessControls.xml:&prompt;find `directory_name' -type d -exec chown user:group {}\; TOSHARG-AccessControls.xml:&prompt;find `directory_name' -type d -exec chmod 2775 {}\; TOSHARG-AccessControls.xml:&prompt;find `directory_name' -type f -exec chmod 0775 {}\; TOSHARG-AccessControls.xml:&prompt;find `directory_name' -type f -exec chown user:group {}\; Closing out bug report. Thanks for reporting!