I have security = ads, ldap timeout = 70 I make a getent passwd on a domain with approx. 30000 Users. After 7 minutes(!) the call returns with 15000 entries. I don't know what's worse: that the call returns with a failure or the timeout which is completely off the track! Excerpt from the log: [2006/11/15 18:43:20, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c:query_user_list(165) ads: query_user_list [2006/11/15 18:50:54, 3] libads/ldap.c:ads_do_paged_search(527) ads_do_paged_search: ldap_search_with_timeout((objectClass=user)) -> Timed out [2006/11/15 18:51:03, 3] nsswitch/winbindd_ads.c:query_user_list(243) ads query_user_list gave 15000 entries