We have one master server with 2 GB and 1'331'703 inodes of files rsynced in parallels by two slave server at the same time (by a cron job). Randomly the rsync failed on both slaves with a list of files who sems to be vanished but the list of files are not the same on the two slaves who rsync the same source, the same time. The master source don't have any modification. On the beginning "ignore-errors" was used so all vanished files was removed from all slaves but still exist on the master. file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx13" file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx42" done deleting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx13. deleting xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx42. After reading your docs I have removed "ignore-errors" to avoid removing files when file vanished detected ! file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx13" file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx42" done IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion After some research on all bugs reports about file vanished I found https://bugzilla.samba.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2607 Several months ago I have switched the cron job of ntpdate from cron.daily to cron.hourly. My master source and two slaves launch cron ntpdate/hwclock every hours at 17 *. The rsync batch starts at 00 * and takes about 20 to 30 minutes to finish. I suspect rsync to failed with random vanished file during the clock sync. Please could you confirm this theory ? Debian Sarge with rsync 2.6.4-6 rsync --recursive -e ssh \ --rsh="ssh" \ --verbose \ --recursive \ --links \ --perms \ --times \ --omit-dir-times \ --whole-file \ --one-file-system \ --ignore-existing \ --delete-before \ --partial \ --timeout=10800 \ --exclude=_TRANSFERED \ --no-blocking-io \ --ipv4 \ $user@$host:$masterdir/ \ $localdir/ rsync starts at the same time on both slaves slave1 file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx13" file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx42" done IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion slave2 file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx03" file has vanished: "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx56" done IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion Thanks for your feedback -- Infomaniak Network SA Guy Baconniere <baco@infomaniak.ch> Unix System Administrator Certified Linux Engineer (RHCE, LPIC-2) Avenue de la Praille 26 1227 Carouge (Geneva) Switzerland (CH) Phone +41 (0)22 820 3541 Fax +41 (0)22 820 3546 AS29222 / BACO-RIPE
I have setup a rsync of the same source on two servers just before the sync of the clock by ntpdate/hwclock I have random vanished files and all vanished files wasn't modified. Both server who rsync at the same times report the same files modified but not the same files vanished ! This is a sample output of my rsync test. You can found the rsync command line on my main post. SLAVE1 (RSYNC BY CRON 08:16:03=>08:34:21 + NTPDATE 08:17:00) / MASTER \SLAVE2 (RSYNC BY CRON 08:16:02=>08:34:11 + NTPDATE 08:17:00) *** SLAVE2 OUTPUT *** Received: from slave2 (localhost []) by slave2 (8.13.4/8.13.4) with ESMTP id k9D6YGxA012270 for <admin@slave2>; Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:34:21 +0200 Received: (from admin@localhost) by slave2 (8.13.4/8.13.4/Submit) id k9D6G2dj011455 for admin; Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:16:02 +0200 Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:16:02 +0200 Subject: Cron <admin@slave2> /usr/local/bin/dosync-debug.sh receiving file list ... file has vanished: "/files/test/skiWusho" file has vanished: "/files/test/AskeotGa" file has vanished: "/files/test/SiNegwak" done IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion test/ourmyisA test/bueHojNo test/onHedkad sent 125 bytes received 20720380 bytes 18948.79 bytes/sec total size is 1190536 speedup is 0.06 rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1166) receiving file list ... done sent 20 bytes received 743 bytes 508.67 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00 *** SLAVE1 OUTPUT *** Received: from slave1 (localhost []) by slave1 (8.13.4/8.13.4) with ESMTP id k9D6YAKA021356 for <admin@slave1>; Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:34:11 +0200 Received: (from admin@localhost) by slave1 (8.13.4/8.13.4/Submit) id k9D6G3Pb020551 for admin; Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:16:03 +0200 Date: Fri, 13 Oct 2006 08:16:03 +0200 Subject: Cron <admin@slave1> /usr/local/bin/dosync-debug.sh receiving file list ... file has vanished: "/files/test/CimitAju" file has vanished: "/files/test/Vibnewyi" done IO error encountered -- skipping file deletion test/ourmyisA test/bueHojNo test/onHedkad sent 125 bytes received 20720590 bytes 19088.64 bytes/sec total size is 1190536 speedup is 0.06 rsync warning: some files vanished before they could be transferred (code 24) at main.c(1166) receiving file list ... done sent 20 bytes received 743 bytes 508.67 bytes/sec total size is 0 speedup is 0.00
What seems to be happening here is that rsync gets the name of a file via readdir(), and then tries to stat the file to figure out its type and other attirbutes, and the stat() (or lstat()) call fails. This causes rsync to leave the file out of the file list. So, the real question is: what is affecting the stat() calls on your system? This doesn't sound like an rsync problem. Are the files coming from an NFS filesystem? Perhaps the tweaking of the time causes a glitch in the NFS protocol?
The master server isn't a NFS Server nor a NFS mounted volume. All files are stored on a XFS partition with "noatime" flag. The rsync use ssh as transport maybe this could also affect rsync ? So this random problem with stat() call can be related to a bug in XFS filesystem or maybe to the kernel cache of the filesystem. The cumulative size of all files is 123M but the numer of files is very important about 638'860 inodes The server is running a Kernel I will try to upgrade to the
>I have setup a rsync of the same source on two servers >just before the sync of the clock by ntpdate/hwclock you should not sync the clock via ntpdate at runtime, as your system time will not be continous and do some jump into the future or into the past. this can lead to all sorts of weird side effects. use ntpd instead. you can use ntpdate on bootup, but i would not use it at runtime. please disable ntpdate for testing and prove that the issue disappears. if it still persists, then it`s another problem, not related to ntp(date). if it disappears, then it`s NOT a rsync problem but a problem introduced by using a sub-optimal method of setting/syncing the system time. mind that ntpdate is deprecated, too. this is from the ntpd manpage: In some cases it may not be practical for ntpd to run continuously. A common workaround has been to run the ntpdate program from a cron job at designated times. However, this program does not have the crafted signal processing, error checking and mitigation algorithms of ntpd . The -q option is intended for this purpose. Setting this option will cause ntpd to exit just after setting the clock for the first time. The procedure for initially setting the clock is the same as in continuous mode; most applications will probably want to specify the iburst keyword with the server configuration command. With this keyword a volley of messages are exchanged to groom the data and the clock is set in about a minute. If nothing is heard after a couple of minutes, the daemon times out and exits. After a suitable period of mourning, the ntpdate program may be retired.
Unlikely to be an rsync bug.