We are using Samba to share out our Ingres installation to PC client machines. Since upgrading to version 3.0.22 from 3.0.20b users have reported being disconnected from their Ingres application. Ingres logs the following message: pluto ::[33010 IIGCC, 00000004]: Thu May 4 18:32:20 2006 E_GC2205_RMT_ ABORT Session failure: ABORT received from remote partner. pluto ::[33010 IIGCC, 00000004]: Thu May 4 18:32:20 2006 E_CLFE07_BS_R EAD_ERR Read from peer process failed; it may have exited. If I then restart the users PC they are once again able to work, client machines are running Windows XP and Windows 2000. I have since reverted back to 3.0.20b and the issue has gone away.