(reported by email) To make it convenient to override specific dissectors without having to write too much conformance file magic i would need a directive like this : FUNCTIONSBODY <functionname> code FUNCTIONEND like: FUNCTIONBODY winreg_dissect_element_KeySecurityData_data_ code FUNCTIONEND This directive should still create all the ett and hf fields as without specifying this directive. However, where PIDL is emitting this particular function in the code, instead of emitting the current code it will just insert the just the code specified within this block verbatim and it is up to the conformance file writer to make sure the code is good. Example: FUNCTIONBODY winreg_dissect_element_KeySecurityData_data_ printf("hello world\n"); return offset; FUNCTIONEND would result in PIDL generating static int winreg_dissect_element_KeySecurityData_data_( ...) { printf("hello world\n"); return offset; } All an any other functions and ett and hf variables are still generated as before. Only the actual function body for this generated function is replaced.
Fixed in 15599