When the Authentication with the SMB-Server fails, smbspool shouldn't fail with return code CUPS_BACKEND_FAILED but with CUPS_BACKEND_AUTH_REQUIRED. This way CUPS would have a chance to ask the user for AUTH information and retry. I need every CUPS user to authenticate himself to SMB printer queue because of windows based print accounting software - so the current way of defining a CUPS-SMB queue with fixed username wouldn't work. I filed a RFE with CUPS so that they could change the username/password on a per-job or a per-user base - they only need smbspool to tell them when user/password fails to authenticate...
Jeremy, I'm handing off to you since I expect you will end up making the necessary changes as part of the krb5 integration.
Christian, is this still an issue for you or is it fiexed? Do you also have a link to the request for enhancement @cups.org?
I didn't find my Request at CUPS, maybe it got lost somehow... Anyway, since I just inspected the problem for somebody else, I didn't follow the case anymore and nobody replied to me asking about the problem... So I'd think that this bug can be closed - maybe as "worksforme"?
okay, if you see the problem reappear, please reopen the bug. Thanks!