There have been a number of problems running Samba on AIX 5.3 reported by a number of people in various sites around the web. At least one of the problems arises from a change in the linker options from a previous AIX release. The current SVN for the configure script has a fix for this but it is not in the 3.0.21c release. I enclose a patch that if applied to 3.0.21c with patch -p1 will set up the system to build correctly on such an AIX. This is obviously OS release dependent and I have not made any effort to fix for the different releases as I do not know when the change happened or how to determine which OS is running.
Created attachment 1822 [details] Patch configure for AIX late release
Bill, would you evaluate this patch when you get a chance? Thanks.
(In reply to comment #2) > Bill, would you evaluate this patch when you get a chance? Thanks. I believe the patch I submitted for #1649 is committed to TRUNK. This is essentially the same and this should be closed. :-) Bill *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 1649 ***