Currently, vfs_recycle.c does not maintain the unix 's' mode on directories. If you delete a directory with mode drwxrsx---, the directory is created in the recyle with mode drwx------ instead of drwxrsx--- Example: 1. you have a share called docs1 in /opt/shares/docs1 2. inside docs1 you have 2 directories: dir1 and dir2 3. you setup the 's' mode in the directories with: chmod g+swr -R dir1 dir2 chmod o-rwx -R dir1 dir2 4. you have 2 groups, group1: user1, user2 group2: user3, user4 5. you setup the ownership of the group with: chgrp -R group1 dir1 chgrp -R group2 dir2 6. users in group1 can create/edit/delete all files in dir1 users in group2 can create/edit/delete all files in dir2 7. if user1 from group1 delete the file dir1/sdir/file.txt that file is moved to the recycle bin and this files does not have the same permitions the original: The actual result is: recycle/dir1 -rwx------ user1.domain-users recycle/dir1/sdir -rwx------ user1.domain-users recycle/dir1/sdir/file.txt -rw-rw---- user1.group1 The expected result is: recycle/dir1 -rwxrsx--- user1.group1 recycle/dir1/sdir -rwxrsx--- user1.group1 recycle/dir1/sdir/file.txt -rw-rw---- user1.group1 8. the problem occurs when user2 delete file the dir1/sdir/file2.txt, the file file2.txt does not goes to the recycle because dir1 and dir1/sdir are owned by user. The error is permision denied. 9. this way, the recycle only works for the first user from the group that delete a file This scenario is used commonly, asi suggested in the howto: "MS Word with Samba Changes Owner of File"
Created attachment 1843 [details] nmbd logfile
Comment on attachment 1843 [details] nmbd logfile sorry wrong bug...