OS version: RedHat 9.2 (2.4.22) Samba version: 3.0.20 rev.9402 Clients' version: all are Win XP Pro SP2 Problem description: A huge delay (about one minute) occurs every time any client changes dir within a share or even switches to Explorer from another app's window. But file- open/close/write/read/print operations' performance is OK. Every change dir operation generates some tens of identical messages in clients' logs (I have "log file = /.../%m.log" in my smb.conf). They're look like that: [date time, 0] smbd/service.c:set_current_service(49) chdir (/tmp/.private/root) failed Well, I've migrated to 3.0.20 from 3.0.0 escaping from BUGs #3131, #2305. I retained everything the same: smb.conf, share names/locations, users/passwds etc. So in 3.0.0 I never seen such messages in the logs. I dont have [homes] share, roving profiles, logon scripts etc, having workgroup with a single subnet and static IPs with samba as a domain master. I have no cue, why new version of smbd needs that /tmp/.private/root directory. Can you help me ?
Some news. Sometimes when I type "/etc/rc.d/init.d/smb stop" the KILL issues a message "No such process" concerning smbd (not nmbd) process.
Oops, I had misprinted names of "valid users" in my smb.conf. I thought that they're case-INsensitive, but they dont. Everything OK now. Sorry for that mistake.
NOT OK! I wrote a nonsence in previous comment. The problem still exist. Help, please.
I made workaround: chowned that dir, from root to smbclient and changed it's group too. Delay disappears yet. But what does winXP client seek there ?
My guess is that you've set the TMPDIR for root. Reset the environment variable in the init scripts. This is a configuration problem. Not a Samba bug.