man smb.conf says hide dot files (S) This is a boolean parameter that controls whether files starting with a dot appear as hidden files. Default: hide dot files = yes hide files (S) This is a list of files or directories that are not visible but are accessible. The DOS 'hidden' attribute is applied to any files or directories that match. Each entry in the list must be separated by a '/', which allows spaces to be included in the entry. '*' and '?' can be used to specify multiple files or directories as in DOS wildcards. Each entry must be a Unix path, not a DOS path and must not include the Unix directory separator '/'. Note that the case sensitivity option is applicable in hiding files. Setting this parameter will affect the performance of Samba, as it will be forced to check all files and directories for a match as they are scanned. See also hide dot files, veto files and case sensitive. Default: no file are hidden Example: hide files = /.*/DesktopFolderDB/TrashFor%m/resource.frk/ The above example is based on files that the Macintosh SMB client (DAVE) available from Thursby creates for internal use, and also still hides all files beginning with a dot with samba 3 rc2 cvs 26.8.03 act as pdc client win2000 serv pack 4 (german) i included in the global section hide dot files = yes and hide files = /.*/DesktopFolderDB/TrashFor%m/resource.frk/ this should hide all .* files in every share. But if i switch windows to show all files i am able to see the "dot files" this is extreme bad in the user homes cause in default, homes are created with many "dot files" from many distros this would cause failure if user go to ther homes via ssh and some of the "dot files" were deleted with windows before
nothing special appears in the log files about that, please clear if it would help to include the hide parameters exclusive in every related share
This is not a samba bug. Check the smb.conf manual page entry for 'hide files' and 'hide dot files'. The option you are looking for is 'veto files'.
originally reported against one of the 3.0.0rc[1-4] releases. Cleaning up non-production versions.
database cleanup